2010-06-13 - Seneca Creek Greenway Trail

^z 9th February 2023 at 6:23pm

~6 miles @ ~16 min/mi

On a warm afternoon Caren Jew as usual is there first, awaiting me at the MD-355 parking lot on the SCGT. We trot upstream and are at once startled to find the trail has been re-routed through the woods to avoid a flood-prone eroded segment. Caren demonstrates her Eye by spotting a tiny frog, a big beetle, a fearless deer, and near Watkins Mill Rd a turtle. We admonish it not to cross the busy street before we begin our climb up the long slope to the high school. When we return we're happy to see the turtle a dozen yards downhill, moving toward safety.

^z - 2010-06-28